Health Integrated Resilience System

  • Institution Country: Turkey
  • Implementation Country: Burkina Faso, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Yemen
  • Sector: Energy, Health
  • Funding Stage: Proof of Concept

Health Integrated Resilience System
by the Union of Medical Care and Relief Organizations / UOSSM Turkey

In remote areas, health systems including hospitals and ambulances, rely on diesel fuel for generating electricity and running mobile ambulatory services. However, in conflict zones, fuel is often a scarce resource and there are a shortage of qualified human resources as people flee conflict.

The Health Integrated Resilience System (HIRS) aims to strengthen the resilience of the health system in conflict areas by integrating three parallel systems: a modular solar photovoltaic system for powering critical services; an electric vehicle ambulance system; and a remote telemedicine system. HIRS also aims to create standardized processes for developing and implementing this multi-dimensional resilience system in conflict areas.



