African 1000 Days Action (ADA)

  • Institution Country: South Sudan
  • Implementation Country: South Sudan
  • Sector: Energy
  • Funding Stage: Proof of Concept

Eco-friendly Biogas and Briquettes Use Promotion Project (EBBUPP), South Sudan


In South Sudan, many internally displaced people (IDPs) lack access to clean energy, relying on unhealthy cooking methods and facing sanitation issues. The African 1000 Days Action (ADA) introduces the Eco-friendly Biogas and Briquettes Use Promotion Project (EBBUPP) to address these challenges. Trained technicians will convert stool waste into biogas and charcoal briquettes, empowering IDP women with valuable skills and ensuring access to sustainable energy sources. 


Focused on Central Equatoria, Jonglei, Upper Nile, and Unity State, EBBUPP offers improved living conditions for IDPs through eco-friendly energy alternatives and promotion of sustainable waste management. By reducing health risks and environmental damage, this project benefits both IDPs and the broader ecosystem, contributing to a healthier and more sustainable future.